Wednesday 28 November 2012


Hemochromatosis is defined as iron "overload" or too much iron in the body. It is possible to be genetically predisposed to iron “overload” a condition that can damage the heart and liver. This condition is more common in men than women, especially among Caucasian men.

Although hemochromatosis is a very common disease, many are unaware of it, making it one of the most common diseases. 

The symptoms generally do not occur until age 40. Strict vegetarians or people who rely heavily on a plant-based diet to receive their iron should ensure that adequate foods such as pulses, whole grains, tofu, green vegetables in addition to Vitamin C rich foods are included in their meal to allow for the adequate amount of iron absorption in their diet. It has been noticed that some women tend to get this condition later in life as women lose iron through menstrual periods, breast-feeding, and pregnancy.

Some of the symptoms of Haemochromatosis:

. Abdominal pain

.  Joint pain

. Fatigue/Weakness

. Reproductive problems

.  Weight loss

. Darkening of skin color

. Thyroid disease

. Loss of sexual desire

How much iron do we really need?

healthy diet should take care of your need of iron however your doctor should be able to tell you if you are deficient in iron. You should never take iron supplements until you have had a blood test which will confirm your need for iron, as this can be very dangerous, especially among those with undiagnosed hemochromatosis.

In addition to a healthy diet, you can also eat foods that will help your body to absorb iron better. There are a number of substances to watch out for that will stop the body from absorbing iron readily, a few of these are; Tannins, found in tea, Oxalates found in Spinach, Rhubarb as well as chocolates.

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